Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stress versus control

Deer sees lion. Stress causes a survival response in the body. Increased heart rate, adrenaline, blood pressure, or muscle tension serve to make us more alert, stronger, more able to meet new challenges, like the “fight or flight” response.

Stress steals our energy to fight disease and function at full strength. The more stress, the weaker our immune system. So, here's some kinds of stresses to be aware so you can think of how to decrease or eliminate them and free up energy to live life free of sickness.

Mental-emotional stress is thought of most often when stress is mentioned. Unemployment, deadlines, anger, family issues etc. are mental-emotional stressors.

Physical stresses include pain, sleep issues, injuries, thermal extremes, dental work, surgery and either too much or too little exercise. These physical stresses draw energy and focus from the body’s normal functioning balance.

Chemicals and toxic stressors in our environment like air pollution, agricultural pesticides, or household fumes from cleaning chemicals also drain the body’s recourses. Drugs and medications (both over-the-counter and prescription), hair products and cosmetics, insect repellent or other things put on the skin also have toxins that cause chemical stress and imbalance.

Nutritional stressors can over-lap with chemical stress with food additives like MSG, artificial flavors and colors. Sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup, and aspartame stress the blood-sugar balance and give the liver and pancreas a lot of extra work. White flour converts straight to sugar and spikes the blood sugar level as well. Starving or over-eating both cause stress.

So what can we do? It is stressful just to sit and read the lists of things that stress us! Well, do you want to know the secret? This is powerful. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER.

When a deer sees a lion and “stresses”, the fight or flight reaction is triggered. ACTION is the solution, and the deer has control over where it runs.

Take action. Deal with stress and then relax and get back to normal functioning, then the body can recover and stay healthy. Think about what is stressing you and what you can do about it.

Do something fun for excercize. Meditate, pace yourself, stop and breathe deep before reacting to a surprise. Take control over your thoughts. Laugh every day. Be calm. Let that call go to voice mail if it stresses you to be interrupted at that moment.

Physically, you can control appropriate clothing for the weather. Set up good sleeping and eating habits. What would relieve physical stress to YOU?

You can controll what you put into your mouth. Read labels, avoid foods and personal care products with chemical additives. Be more careful of drugs and unnatural medications and pestacides on your veggies. Learn what kind of supplements you need to balance yourself.

The very act of consciously thinking of what you have control over and what you can do will decrease stress. Take action today, it feels great.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cockroach cupcakes

Imagine if you watched the cooks in the bakery making chocolate cupcakes, and saw them pour a jar of dead cockroaches into the batter, then blend, bake and frost the normal-looking cupcakes and offer you some. Would you eat them? NO WAY!

You wouldn’t eat them or serve them to others. I think most people would agree that if they knew about a horrible ingredient in a food, they wouldn’t eat it or serve it. We don’t want to eat disgusting things if we know they’re there.

Reading labels and researching ingredients is easy with the internet. Check the label of something you have in your cupboard, try a Google search on an ingredient you don’t recognize and see how quick you can find out about it.

After learning about aspartame, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, various hydrogenated things…they are like cockroaches. I would not eat or serve them no matter how appealing they look or taste now that I am aware of what they are.

Knowledge is power. Understanding motivates action. When someone fully understands a fact or principle, their choices reflect it. Health is a result of our choices. We choose based on our knowledge. That is why I love to spread health ideas and awareness. When we learn how and why our body is affected, we can choose the healthy option.

I’ve heard people say, “Just don’t tell me what’s in it.” Some people think of food like entertainment, for taste and enjoyment. They focus on how it looks and tastes instead of what is in it. Well, if there were cockroaches in it, don’t you agree they would want to know?

Education can change that. If they really understand about why some ingredients are worse than “cockroaches” for their body, they would think again about what they put in their mouths.

The opposite is also true: When we know how healthy and good a food is, we are glad to eat it. That’s why I love Sunrider so much. The integrity of the ingredients is impeccable. I have toured Sunrider's manufacturing plant in California. The sparkling clean facility and processing equipment is astounding. The amazing formulas are so impressive.

Balanced health is the result of following basic principles. Learning what ingredients are worse than cockroaches will take you far. You will want to eat whole, live, clean food and your body will thank you for it. Life is much more fun when you can enjoy it in full health. Try it out; you’ll love the way you feel.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What's so healthy about a vegetarian diet?

There are varying degrees of vegetarian diets. Some just eat meat sparingly. Some eat chicken or fish but not red meat. Some eat no meat but do eat eggs or dairy. Some are VEGAN and don’t eat or wear any animal products at all, for health or other reasons. Some go all the way and eat only raw foods.

“Vegetarianism is recommended as a dietary therapy for a variety of conditions, including heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Vegetarianism is a major dietary therapy in the alternative treatment of cancer. Other conditions treated with a dietary therapy of vegetarianism include obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, allergies, asthma, environmental illness, hypertension, gout, gallstones, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, ulcers, colitis, premenstrual syndrome, anxiety, and depression. Vegetarians often report higher energy levels, better digestion, and mental clarity. Vegetarianism is an economical and easily implemented preventative practice as well.”

So, after reading and condensing a lot of information down to a nutshell, here’s my summary:

My own philosophy for an explanation of the good thing about eating a vegetarian diet has to do with ionic verses covalent bonding, your cells do prefer natural nutrition after all. Meat is “used” energy…the animal eats the grass or grain, uses it to build cells and live. When we eat the meat, we get “second hand” nutrition, already taken from the sun and built into the proteins used by the animal, rather than ready for human use.

Our cells are brilliant. They were designed to have the amazing capacity to switch over to anaerobic function in times of winter or famine when fresh vegetables are naturally scarce. That does tax the body’s reserve---like spending down the savings account. We can bounce back from occasional meat-eating to normal aerobic respiration in our cells and replenish our “strength and energy.” When we do provide oxygen and an alkaline environment for our cells, by eating whole, live foods, they will be able to do their job and keep us feeling great.

The moral of my story is: Eat a big salad every day. Double up on vegetables. Eat vegetarian meals a few nights a week, and cut down on animal products. Your grocery bill will like it. You don’t have to become extreme, just make some adjustments in your choices. Your body will thank you for it.

I’ve had some questions about documenting sunrider’s position on VEGAN status. They are fully plant-based. They use plant-based capsules to put their herbs into, which cost a bit more, but so worth it to get the most clean and pure product possible. They have the information about that on their site, It's the link below if you want to read more about it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I LEARNED A FUN NEW THING ABOUT DANDILIONS TODAY. Mother Nature really does have wisdom beyond our comprehension. Plants give off oxygyn and we Need oxygyn, and fruits of the season have the vitamins we need at that season. In spring when the dandilions come out, it's a hint to us that we need to shift seasons in our body. The cooling and cleansing powers in the dandilion plant help our liver with spring cleaning and gear up for summer heat. The article my aunt Jill shared with me was long and had details of the specific things the liver does and how the change of seasons requires adjustment in the body systems.

Dandilion is naturally formulated so well for cleansing. So, the quick message of the day is: WHEN YOU SEE DANDILIONS, THINK "SPRING CLEANING" for the body as well as the house.

Different ways to prepare various parts of the plant and stories of grandmothers putting it in salads or cooking the roots were discussed. Sounds like alot of work to me. I'm glad it's so easy to use the Sunrider dandilion capsules. All that plant-based calcium, iron and other minerals is in a format ready for your liver to use.

We can't take a spoon outside and eat a bite of dirt to get minerals, but a plant can take then and change them into a form we can eat. Only through a plant can our body actually utilize the vital minerals and nutrients we need.

I admit I'll still dig or spray to remove those little wonders of nature from my yard, but I'll take the hint from mother Nature and get some of that spring-cleaning and detoxing going on in time for hot weather.

Contact me if you want Sunrider dandilion instead of the "weeds in your salad" kind.

Friday, May 8, 2009


The cost of living: housing, utilities, groceries, etc. is part of life. In the body, the cost of living is nutrients and organic minerals like calcium to keep things functioning. Eating animal products and other “acid” forming food “costs” the body a lot to digest, store, clean out and eliminate. The body carefully regulates the blood pH so it won't go low enough to kill us. To do this it has to draw calcium and other organic minerals from our tissues, such as bones and vital organs, to keep our blood in the safe zone. This leaves our tissues in an acidic state which is painfully expensive, like a high interest credit card. We need to pay off the debt, and have income to pay the cost of living. Well, in our body, the pay checks are alkaline foods.

HOW ACIDIC ARE YOU? Low energy, immune deficiency and weight gain are some of the beginning signs of a high acid level in the body, like a“credit crisis” for your health. Intermediate symptoms are cold sores, depression, infections, and hay fever. Advanced symptoms are leukemia, tuberculosis, and other forms of cancer. For a more complete list, see the acidity self test: “The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause...too much tissue acid waste in the body! “ Theodore A. Baroody, N.D., D.C., Ph.D. Source: Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, 2001.

EATING ALKALINE FOODS IS LIKE A STIMULUS PLAN WITH OUR HEALTH. Remember the experiment in the kitchen, where the vinigar and the baking soda have a big reaction when they are combined? We get the general idea about acid and alkaline. But when we learn why pH balance matters so much in our body, we can avoid the pain of debt, poor credit or bankruptcy in our health which translates into low energy, immune deficiency, weight gain, and all kinds of SICKNESS AND PAINS.

STORING FAT IS ANOTHER WAY THE BODY FIGHTS ACIDITY. Think of how radioactive or toxic waste is stored. That’s like how the body uses fat to store risky stuff it can’t afford to get rid of. The fat hangs on to the acidity and toxins to protect the system from a dangerous pH level also. When the pH level (like the bank account) is strong enough to handle extra clean-up projects, then carefully the body can release and eliminate the fat. That’s why we lose weight when we drink calli tea and fortune delight. That alkaline deposit lets us afford a bonus garbage day each week! For more about that: Here’s a good list of alkaline foods in a chart form: .

YOU CAN READ ABOUT IT ALL DAY IF YOU WANT. or you could try: People who study up on it really go all-out to accomplish those powerful alkaline benefits: or ---it’s amazing the trouble they go to. They stop at nothing to get those far-out ingredients and equipment. Wow. Can you imagine driving around town for those special organic things and then spending half your life in the kitchen chopping, juicing, sprouting, blending and preparing them? I’ve got too much to do to spend my day on that!

WELL, SUNRIDER IS AN EASY SHORTCUT. We get tremendous alkaline benefits without all that time-consuming work! We can spend our time out having fun, with energy to spare. Go play! Live life! Getting your pH on the alkaline side will put a spring in your step. We save time and work and get a great alkaline source—like a big paycheck ready for your body to spend on daily living and regenerating healthy new cells. It feels great, enjoy!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu? What to do.

Swine flu, West Nile virus, Avian flu, all clearly raise our health and safety concern. I have been alarmed and concerned like most anyone hearing all the news the past few weeks. Scary reports of swine flu outbreaks tell about the problem, but what about the solution? Wear a mask? Stay home? Stop life as we know it? How about educate yourself and be prepared?

YOUR BODY HAS A VIRUS FIGHTING MACHINE: Our tool to fight off swine flu and any other threat to our health: it is our IMMUNE SYSTEM. We have killer “T” cells (Google it for more info) that can fight and eliminate any foreign threat to our body if we just give it the ingredients and energy it needs. A well functioning immune system is designed to seek out, attack and eliminate viruses and other threats and will succeed if we give it what it needs.

RAPID REGENERATION IS ESSENTIAL: When a flu virus invades a body, it can also weaken the immune system so that the body becomes more susceptible to other invaders. Often the deadly consequences from severe flu are from these secondary infections that invade while the defenses are weak. This incredible assault builds a need to regenerate against incredible odds and fight off the entire barrage of hazards. These mercenaries on our immune system create an environment that has lead to where we are today with life threatening viruses.

BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS: In the same way that a good financial investment pays off with good returns building your immune system is a sure bet to pay big returns. Diet and exercise are essential to keeping our immune system vibrant but may not be enough alone. These viruses find ways into our bodies despite all our efforts to prevent them.

I HAVE SEEN THE EFFECTS OF A STRENGTHENED IMMUNE SYSTEM: A couple of years ago at a big family reunion, the stomach flu started going around. I had for some time used the sunrider formula to boost the immune system with my kids. Although most the cousins passed the flue around none of my kids caught it, because I gave them alpha20C (the sunrider food for the immune system) so their immune system had an extra boost to defend them from the virus. This is just one instance I know of when my kids were exposed and their immune systems were strong enough to overcome the virus. It has worked for me many times.

HEALTHY EATING ISN’T ENOUGH TODAY: In today’s world of pollution, chemical additives, profit-driven farming, genetically altered foods, convenience oriented processed foods, normal groceries just don’t have the nutrients in them. 75 years ago carrots or spinach had the great vitamins and minerals we think of when we say veggies are nutritious. Now the modern mass farming for profit over the years has ruined most of the value of food crops with chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones and other unnatural things. In 1936 the US government declared our soil depleted. The rise of disease in our world today proves that foods produced today are not what they used to be.

I AM COMMITTED TO A COMPLETE BALANCED SYSTEM: Well, this is where Sunrider comes in. You can not eat your self to a super immune system. Get alpha-20-C for everyone you love! Hurry! Get their immune system the tools to triumph over swine flu and every other sickness. The way to nourish, balance and cleanse all your body systems is a simple drink in the morning or on-the-go does the trick.

Here's the link:

NO SWINE FLU PANIC!! A fence at the top of the cliff is better than a hospital at the bottom. Equip your immune system. Be aware. Contact me and I'll help you get going, it only takes a few clicks and you're on your way. Read more:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Getting to the cause of HAYFEVER SYMPTOMS

I think working in the garden is thereputic. Today I dug out a few weedy perenials and planted some happy little sunflower seeds, transplaned some oregano, anise and hollyhocks. The sky was blue, birds singing, delightful breeze...couldn't be more ideal. I'm healthier after getting a little sun, a little endorphins and the aroma of the lovely herbs.

When I moved to Utah from California in 1985, I got severe hayfever. It was extreme. Puffy, itchy, stinging, watering eyes, contstant running nose. It was a new experience for me. I had never had a pressing need to focus on health before that, being under my mom's care. Having a miserable health issue was my motivation to get to the SOURCE and deal with it.

Well, I began learning about allergic reactions and other hayfever-related issues, and started my quest to solve the CAUSE of these symptoms. I worked on balance with the sunrider food for the immune system(alpha 20 C) and got progressively better each year. In 3-4 years my hayfever was gone.

I can enjoy working outside in the yard and other fun springtime activities without having miserable hayfever symptoms anymore. Problem solved. Life improved. Balance is so valuable.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sweet choices

I like sweet things. I enjoy sweet, fruity flavors and chocolate truffles. I use sunny dew(sunrider's herbal sweetener) and a bit of honey in my mint callie tea and my peach fortune delight. Honey has alot of good in it, and sunny dew balances your blood sugar, feeds your pancreas and liver and makes you happy. Tasting delicious does not have to be bad for your body!

I always knew sugar caused difficulty in several body systems, but as bad as sugar is, it's not nearly as terrible for you as the stuff they sweeten "diet" drinks with. Aspartame has been shown by alot of different research to cause many diseases, cancer and neourological disorders.

If you MUST have a soda, regular is not as bad as the poisonous DIET kind with aspartame. If you google it, you'll find many sources to check. One I found is: . The conclusion to all of them is easy: ASPARTAME is BAD.

Be careful when you see a bright, flashy label that says SUGAR FREE. Check the ingredients. Other scary artificial sweeteners are nutra-sweet, equal, phenylalanine. It only takes a second, and after reading a few of those lengthy, hard to pronounce lists you might just lose your apitite for that sweet snack and go for a banana or an apple after all.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today is a day to celebrate! I'm so excited to begin this blog to post highlights of health nuggets. I love learning about how the body works, and what helps our systems function in balance so we feel great.

I love life. Everything in life is better when we feel healthy, with energy and enthusiasm for every direction we choose. When I read or hear a new bit of information, I want to share it to educate others to boost their enjoyment of life.