Thursday, April 23, 2009

Getting to the cause of HAYFEVER SYMPTOMS

I think working in the garden is thereputic. Today I dug out a few weedy perenials and planted some happy little sunflower seeds, transplaned some oregano, anise and hollyhocks. The sky was blue, birds singing, delightful breeze...couldn't be more ideal. I'm healthier after getting a little sun, a little endorphins and the aroma of the lovely herbs.

When I moved to Utah from California in 1985, I got severe hayfever. It was extreme. Puffy, itchy, stinging, watering eyes, contstant running nose. It was a new experience for me. I had never had a pressing need to focus on health before that, being under my mom's care. Having a miserable health issue was my motivation to get to the SOURCE and deal with it.

Well, I began learning about allergic reactions and other hayfever-related issues, and started my quest to solve the CAUSE of these symptoms. I worked on balance with the sunrider food for the immune system(alpha 20 C) and got progressively better each year. In 3-4 years my hayfever was gone.

I can enjoy working outside in the yard and other fun springtime activities without having miserable hayfever symptoms anymore. Problem solved. Life improved. Balance is so valuable.

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