Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu? What to do.

Swine flu, West Nile virus, Avian flu, all clearly raise our health and safety concern. I have been alarmed and concerned like most anyone hearing all the news the past few weeks. Scary reports of swine flu outbreaks tell about the problem, but what about the solution? Wear a mask? Stay home? Stop life as we know it? How about educate yourself and be prepared?

YOUR BODY HAS A VIRUS FIGHTING MACHINE: Our tool to fight off swine flu and any other threat to our health: it is our IMMUNE SYSTEM. We have killer “T” cells (Google it for more info) that can fight and eliminate any foreign threat to our body if we just give it the ingredients and energy it needs. A well functioning immune system is designed to seek out, attack and eliminate viruses and other threats and will succeed if we give it what it needs.

RAPID REGENERATION IS ESSENTIAL: When a flu virus invades a body, it can also weaken the immune system so that the body becomes more susceptible to other invaders. Often the deadly consequences from severe flu are from these secondary infections that invade while the defenses are weak. This incredible assault builds a need to regenerate against incredible odds and fight off the entire barrage of hazards. These mercenaries on our immune system create an environment that has lead to where we are today with life threatening viruses.

BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS: In the same way that a good financial investment pays off with good returns building your immune system is a sure bet to pay big returns. Diet and exercise are essential to keeping our immune system vibrant but may not be enough alone. These viruses find ways into our bodies despite all our efforts to prevent them.

I HAVE SEEN THE EFFECTS OF A STRENGTHENED IMMUNE SYSTEM: A couple of years ago at a big family reunion, the stomach flu started going around. I had for some time used the sunrider formula to boost the immune system with my kids. Although most the cousins passed the flue around none of my kids caught it, because I gave them alpha20C (the sunrider food for the immune system) so their immune system had an extra boost to defend them from the virus. This is just one instance I know of when my kids were exposed and their immune systems were strong enough to overcome the virus. It has worked for me many times.

HEALTHY EATING ISN’T ENOUGH TODAY: In today’s world of pollution, chemical additives, profit-driven farming, genetically altered foods, convenience oriented processed foods, normal groceries just don’t have the nutrients in them. 75 years ago carrots or spinach had the great vitamins and minerals we think of when we say veggies are nutritious. Now the modern mass farming for profit over the years has ruined most of the value of food crops with chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones and other unnatural things. In 1936 the US government declared our soil depleted. The rise of disease in our world today proves that foods produced today are not what they used to be.

I AM COMMITTED TO A COMPLETE BALANCED SYSTEM: Well, this is where Sunrider comes in. You can not eat your self to a super immune system. Get alpha-20-C for everyone you love! Hurry! Get their immune system the tools to triumph over swine flu and every other sickness. The way to nourish, balance and cleanse all your body systems is a simple drink in the morning or on-the-go does the trick.

Here's the link: http://opp.sunrider.com/sherribowthorpe/

NO SWINE FLU PANIC!! A fence at the top of the cliff is better than a hospital at the bottom. Equip your immune system. Be aware. Contact me and I'll help you get going, it only takes a few clicks and you're on your way. Read more: http://sunrider.com/Home.aspx


  1. Technically the nutrients are not 'removed' but they are most certainly diminished (as in there are less of them than there used to be)A nutritionist would say that they are less nutrient-dense

  2. Wow Sherri, this is fantastic stuff you've got here! I like the detailed desciption of how the immune system works. I love the of building a fence at the top of a cliff analagy istead of a hospital at the bottom! Great job!

  3. Thanks, Merr. It means alot comming from you. Keep up your good work sunridering your family!
