Thursday, May 21, 2009


I LEARNED A FUN NEW THING ABOUT DANDILIONS TODAY. Mother Nature really does have wisdom beyond our comprehension. Plants give off oxygyn and we Need oxygyn, and fruits of the season have the vitamins we need at that season. In spring when the dandilions come out, it's a hint to us that we need to shift seasons in our body. The cooling and cleansing powers in the dandilion plant help our liver with spring cleaning and gear up for summer heat. The article my aunt Jill shared with me was long and had details of the specific things the liver does and how the change of seasons requires adjustment in the body systems.

Dandilion is naturally formulated so well for cleansing. So, the quick message of the day is: WHEN YOU SEE DANDILIONS, THINK "SPRING CLEANING" for the body as well as the house.

Different ways to prepare various parts of the plant and stories of grandmothers putting it in salads or cooking the roots were discussed. Sounds like alot of work to me. I'm glad it's so easy to use the Sunrider dandilion capsules. All that plant-based calcium, iron and other minerals is in a format ready for your liver to use.

We can't take a spoon outside and eat a bite of dirt to get minerals, but a plant can take then and change them into a form we can eat. Only through a plant can our body actually utilize the vital minerals and nutrients we need.

I admit I'll still dig or spray to remove those little wonders of nature from my yard, but I'll take the hint from mother Nature and get some of that spring-cleaning and detoxing going on in time for hot weather.

Contact me if you want Sunrider dandilion instead of the "weeds in your salad" kind.

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