Thursday, March 31, 2011

Worried about radiation? You know how the modern mass farming over decades has depleted the soil? Well, the food grown in it is depleted from iodine and other essential minerals. (1936 congress report) Well, it might help to understand why this relates to the current radiation/iodine issue that is getting some attention these days.

Dr. Brownstein is one of the top experts on iodine. About radiation exposure, he explains: “If there is enough inorganic, non-radioactive iodine in our bodies, the radioactive fallout has nowhere to bind in our bodies. It will pass through us, leaving our bodies unharmed. It is important to ensure that we have adequate iodine levels BEFORE this fallout hits.” (Source link

See, the radiation worry comes when your body is lacking the iodine and other needed nutrients so that the radiation has a place to latch on and do damage. Foods that are grown in depleted soil do not provide enough iodine or other things we need. Isolated, chemical supplements are also difficult for the body to “bind” to, leaving us susceptible.

Here is more about that.

My philosophy is simple: Be Prepared. I am so glad that these kinds of scary waves of health threats (like radiation or swine flu) don't worry me so much because I am confident about the bio-available nutrition I get from SUNRIDER CALLI TEA. It is an herbal tea that is full of natural nutrients, enzymes, and minerals with companion nutrients that help protect your cells. CALLI is a food (rather than medicine) that boosts your body’s capacity to clean out pollution, and fills in the cleaned out space with the right good natural stuff. It comes in delicious mint, cinnamon or regular flavor.

Sunrider also has an herb formula for the thyroid and the entire endocrine system: PRIME AGAIN. If you want to take an extra measure of effort to arm your body against the danger of the radiation, PRIME AGAIN is designed to nourish and strengthen the glandular system. Eating vegetables, less animal products, fresh fruits and whole grains is a great start, but there are still gaps left by the depleted soil and other negative factors. SUNRIDER foods and beverages make up the difference.

Give your body what it needs so it can take care of itself. It is easy and delicious.

Contact me today for a free sample.

Sherri Bowthorpe 801-942-0270 EMAIL:

Monday, January 10, 2011

GOAL,you control. WISH, outside your control.

Hooray for January. I love thinking about goals. The best part is when wishing gets out on paper and turns into goals, then into ACTION!!! Don’t you LOVE action? It brings so many laws of nature into our experience.

Well, it’s time to GET what you WANT. Your desires become real as a result of your actions, planned and set up with that desire as a result. Zig Ziglar said it well:

So, as you look at your new “to-do” list for 2011, remember that your HEALTH is the resource that will either boost or drag you in the direction you are going. All your exciting plans, dreams and goals are just waiting for you(your body) to get moving and make them happen.

Learn the principles and laws of health. You put your hand into water-it gets wet, into fire- it will burn….natural laws. Simple, like gravity. NOT rocket-science. The law of the harvest: it takes work and time to grow a garden before you harvest. Natural laws also apply to health.

Here’s a list of healthy goals you can think about. Remember, “THINKING” about health is the first step.
1. Eat an apple a day (any fresh fruit)
2. Read the labels on groceries
3. Relax and enjoy something fun
4. Choose and DO a type of exercise you like
5. List things you love to do when you feel well
6. Eat a fresh salad each day
7. Encourage others to take care of themselves
8. Drink more water
9. Sleep well
10. Google a health subject –for example:


b.SODIUM POTASIUM PUMP- http://highered.mcgraw-


Focus on your health, build and nurture it. Like a glass half full of water, the more water you add, the less room for emptiness, so it is with your health. The more effort, education and attention you invest in it, the less room for sickness and health problems. It’s a true principle! Don’t you just love TRUTH?

Now, mix in some TRUTH and ACTION to make your WISHES into GOALS, and you're on your way! Don't you love that?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A good “Health care reform” idea

Health care has been in the headlines for a long time. It is clearly a big concern in our society. What is your own health care reform plan? Are you PLANNING on being healthy?

Sick care

The "healthcare" as referred to in the media, is actually "sick-care." The focus is on illness, symptoms, ailments, disease, injuries, money and control. It is big business. The marketing, lobbying, profit seeking, increasing business of drug companies, insurance companies, and others do not worry about how healthy we are. The “sick care” industry and the related massive industries that link to it thrive as more and more sickness brings them more business.


I want to point out that a very basic law of personal freedom is being infringed upon as laws and rules regarding "healthcare" confuse the idea of whose responsibility it is to stay healthy. It is a very basic element of freedom and control. The "ownership" of our health nurtures a mentality of value in learning about and actively focusing on keeping healthy.

Health is a choice.

A plan that pays for sickness and disease will not cultivate a mentality of responsibility to make the effort to stay healthy. If it actually costs a lot of money and hurts us to be ill, we are more motivated to make healthy choices. If we have cheap or free "healthcare" then why bother?

Most health problems are optional.

Wherever the health-care debate leads, we each own our health free and clear. There is a small part that we don’t have control over, but the majority of health problems are optional. Most of the pains, ailments and diseases we have are caused slowly over time. It's called DEGENERATIVE DISEASE.
Body tissues, cells, systems deteriorate over time when they don't get what they need.

Health supports freedom.

Think about who in your life will be affected down the road if you continue in your current course of “health care.” Who will be burdened if you need care? What you do for your health now determines the quality of life you have later.

Take some action.

Implement your personal health care reform plan today. What would fit easily into your daily routine to boost your health? Which part of your health needs attention? Water? Veggies? A vacation? How about all of the above? Do you like convenience? Sunrider is light years ahead and unique, my magic shortcut. Check it out, let me know what you think. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines are Healthy

GIVE VALENTINES!! They're good for you.

Our body systems are complex and brilliantly linked together. Often when we think of working on our "health" we think of eating vegetables, exercising, vitamins and washing hands. Being visually oriented, I think people don't often acknowledge the things we can't see with our eyes. Our feelings and emotions are important factors in our health.

Valentines, positive feelings, hugs, forgiveness and other things that feel good are very helpful to our health. Kind and loving words, laughing, singing, dancing, sports and other fun activities stimulate lymphatic function, increase Co2 levels, produce happy endorphins and benefit our body systems in many other intricate and detailed ways to complex to cover in a short article.

Negative feelings like anger, worry, or anxiety clearly affect our body's balance and function. For example, our endocrine system and nervous system coordinate with our circulatory or digestive system to raise blood pressure, cause and upset stomach, headache or other unhealthy symptom.

Well, our brain is part of our body too. We can tell it what to think. If we notice negative thoughts that lead to negative feelings and emotions, we can work on changing them, and searching for and focusing on the positive. The very thought process of consciously disciplining your thoughts increases circulation to your brain and begins the positive domino-effect of good things around your body.

I challenge you to GIVE VALENTINES to yourself and those around you all year by nurturing the habit of positive feelings. It's a skill you can develop. Giving out positive messages compounds the benefit.

Happy, Healthy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Healthy New Year!

It's time to take a step in one area of healthy habits you are ready to improve this year. The depth and intensity of your life experience is determined by your level of health. Healthier=happier. So, think about your schedule, plans, desires and decide which area of your health you will work on first.

It could be small,like eat an apple a day. That is actually a good one. Maybe you are ready to shift your schedule to excercise each day. Eat more veggies, eat less sugar, drink more water...there alot of choices.

Small steps make significant progress when you are consistant. I challenge you to choose at least one small habit you want to improve and DO IT!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stress versus control

Deer sees lion. Stress causes a survival response in the body. Increased heart rate, adrenaline, blood pressure, or muscle tension serve to make us more alert, stronger, more able to meet new challenges, like the “fight or flight” response.

Stress steals our energy to fight disease and function at full strength. The more stress, the weaker our immune system. So, here's some kinds of stresses to be aware so you can think of how to decrease or eliminate them and free up energy to live life free of sickness.

Mental-emotional stress is thought of most often when stress is mentioned. Unemployment, deadlines, anger, family issues etc. are mental-emotional stressors.

Physical stresses include pain, sleep issues, injuries, thermal extremes, dental work, surgery and either too much or too little exercise. These physical stresses draw energy and focus from the body’s normal functioning balance.

Chemicals and toxic stressors in our environment like air pollution, agricultural pesticides, or household fumes from cleaning chemicals also drain the body’s recourses. Drugs and medications (both over-the-counter and prescription), hair products and cosmetics, insect repellent or other things put on the skin also have toxins that cause chemical stress and imbalance.

Nutritional stressors can over-lap with chemical stress with food additives like MSG, artificial flavors and colors. Sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup, and aspartame stress the blood-sugar balance and give the liver and pancreas a lot of extra work. White flour converts straight to sugar and spikes the blood sugar level as well. Starving or over-eating both cause stress.

So what can we do? It is stressful just to sit and read the lists of things that stress us! Well, do you want to know the secret? This is powerful. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER.

When a deer sees a lion and “stresses”, the fight or flight reaction is triggered. ACTION is the solution, and the deer has control over where it runs.

Take action. Deal with stress and then relax and get back to normal functioning, then the body can recover and stay healthy. Think about what is stressing you and what you can do about it.

Do something fun for excercize. Meditate, pace yourself, stop and breathe deep before reacting to a surprise. Take control over your thoughts. Laugh every day. Be calm. Let that call go to voice mail if it stresses you to be interrupted at that moment.

Physically, you can control appropriate clothing for the weather. Set up good sleeping and eating habits. What would relieve physical stress to YOU?

You can controll what you put into your mouth. Read labels, avoid foods and personal care products with chemical additives. Be more careful of drugs and unnatural medications and pestacides on your veggies. Learn what kind of supplements you need to balance yourself.

The very act of consciously thinking of what you have control over and what you can do will decrease stress. Take action today, it feels great.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cockroach cupcakes

Imagine if you watched the cooks in the bakery making chocolate cupcakes, and saw them pour a jar of dead cockroaches into the batter, then blend, bake and frost the normal-looking cupcakes and offer you some. Would you eat them? NO WAY!

You wouldn’t eat them or serve them to others. I think most people would agree that if they knew about a horrible ingredient in a food, they wouldn’t eat it or serve it. We don’t want to eat disgusting things if we know they’re there.

Reading labels and researching ingredients is easy with the internet. Check the label of something you have in your cupboard, try a Google search on an ingredient you don’t recognize and see how quick you can find out about it.

After learning about aspartame, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, various hydrogenated things…they are like cockroaches. I would not eat or serve them no matter how appealing they look or taste now that I am aware of what they are.

Knowledge is power. Understanding motivates action. When someone fully understands a fact or principle, their choices reflect it. Health is a result of our choices. We choose based on our knowledge. That is why I love to spread health ideas and awareness. When we learn how and why our body is affected, we can choose the healthy option.

I’ve heard people say, “Just don’t tell me what’s in it.” Some people think of food like entertainment, for taste and enjoyment. They focus on how it looks and tastes instead of what is in it. Well, if there were cockroaches in it, don’t you agree they would want to know?

Education can change that. If they really understand about why some ingredients are worse than “cockroaches” for their body, they would think again about what they put in their mouths.

The opposite is also true: When we know how healthy and good a food is, we are glad to eat it. That’s why I love Sunrider so much. The integrity of the ingredients is impeccable. I have toured Sunrider's manufacturing plant in California. The sparkling clean facility and processing equipment is astounding. The amazing formulas are so impressive.

Balanced health is the result of following basic principles. Learning what ingredients are worse than cockroaches will take you far. You will want to eat whole, live, clean food and your body will thank you for it. Life is much more fun when you can enjoy it in full health. Try it out; you’ll love the way you feel.