Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines are Healthy

GIVE VALENTINES!! They're good for you.

Our body systems are complex and brilliantly linked together. Often when we think of working on our "health" we think of eating vegetables, exercising, vitamins and washing hands. Being visually oriented, I think people don't often acknowledge the things we can't see with our eyes. Our feelings and emotions are important factors in our health.

Valentines, positive feelings, hugs, forgiveness and other things that feel good are very helpful to our health. Kind and loving words, laughing, singing, dancing, sports and other fun activities stimulate lymphatic function, increase Co2 levels, produce happy endorphins and benefit our body systems in many other intricate and detailed ways to complex to cover in a short article.

Negative feelings like anger, worry, or anxiety clearly affect our body's balance and function. For example, our endocrine system and nervous system coordinate with our circulatory or digestive system to raise blood pressure, cause and upset stomach, headache or other unhealthy symptom.

Well, our brain is part of our body too. We can tell it what to think. If we notice negative thoughts that lead to negative feelings and emotions, we can work on changing them, and searching for and focusing on the positive. The very thought process of consciously disciplining your thoughts increases circulation to your brain and begins the positive domino-effect of good things around your body.

I challenge you to GIVE VALENTINES to yourself and those around you all year by nurturing the habit of positive feelings. It's a skill you can develop. Giving out positive messages compounds the benefit.

Happy, Healthy Valentine's Day!