Thursday, May 21, 2009


I LEARNED A FUN NEW THING ABOUT DANDILIONS TODAY. Mother Nature really does have wisdom beyond our comprehension. Plants give off oxygyn and we Need oxygyn, and fruits of the season have the vitamins we need at that season. In spring when the dandilions come out, it's a hint to us that we need to shift seasons in our body. The cooling and cleansing powers in the dandilion plant help our liver with spring cleaning and gear up for summer heat. The article my aunt Jill shared with me was long and had details of the specific things the liver does and how the change of seasons requires adjustment in the body systems.

Dandilion is naturally formulated so well for cleansing. So, the quick message of the day is: WHEN YOU SEE DANDILIONS, THINK "SPRING CLEANING" for the body as well as the house.

Different ways to prepare various parts of the plant and stories of grandmothers putting it in salads or cooking the roots were discussed. Sounds like alot of work to me. I'm glad it's so easy to use the Sunrider dandilion capsules. All that plant-based calcium, iron and other minerals is in a format ready for your liver to use.

We can't take a spoon outside and eat a bite of dirt to get minerals, but a plant can take then and change them into a form we can eat. Only through a plant can our body actually utilize the vital minerals and nutrients we need.

I admit I'll still dig or spray to remove those little wonders of nature from my yard, but I'll take the hint from mother Nature and get some of that spring-cleaning and detoxing going on in time for hot weather.

Contact me if you want Sunrider dandilion instead of the "weeds in your salad" kind.

Friday, May 8, 2009


The cost of living: housing, utilities, groceries, etc. is part of life. In the body, the cost of living is nutrients and organic minerals like calcium to keep things functioning. Eating animal products and other “acid” forming food “costs” the body a lot to digest, store, clean out and eliminate. The body carefully regulates the blood pH so it won't go low enough to kill us. To do this it has to draw calcium and other organic minerals from our tissues, such as bones and vital organs, to keep our blood in the safe zone. This leaves our tissues in an acidic state which is painfully expensive, like a high interest credit card. We need to pay off the debt, and have income to pay the cost of living. Well, in our body, the pay checks are alkaline foods.

HOW ACIDIC ARE YOU? Low energy, immune deficiency and weight gain are some of the beginning signs of a high acid level in the body, like a“credit crisis” for your health. Intermediate symptoms are cold sores, depression, infections, and hay fever. Advanced symptoms are leukemia, tuberculosis, and other forms of cancer. For a more complete list, see the acidity self test: “The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause...too much tissue acid waste in the body! “ Theodore A. Baroody, N.D., D.C., Ph.D. Source: Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, 2001.

EATING ALKALINE FOODS IS LIKE A STIMULUS PLAN WITH OUR HEALTH. Remember the experiment in the kitchen, where the vinigar and the baking soda have a big reaction when they are combined? We get the general idea about acid and alkaline. But when we learn why pH balance matters so much in our body, we can avoid the pain of debt, poor credit or bankruptcy in our health which translates into low energy, immune deficiency, weight gain, and all kinds of SICKNESS AND PAINS.

STORING FAT IS ANOTHER WAY THE BODY FIGHTS ACIDITY. Think of how radioactive or toxic waste is stored. That’s like how the body uses fat to store risky stuff it can’t afford to get rid of. The fat hangs on to the acidity and toxins to protect the system from a dangerous pH level also. When the pH level (like the bank account) is strong enough to handle extra clean-up projects, then carefully the body can release and eliminate the fat. That’s why we lose weight when we drink calli tea and fortune delight. That alkaline deposit lets us afford a bonus garbage day each week! For more about that: Here’s a good list of alkaline foods in a chart form: .

YOU CAN READ ABOUT IT ALL DAY IF YOU WANT. or you could try: People who study up on it really go all-out to accomplish those powerful alkaline benefits: or ---it’s amazing the trouble they go to. They stop at nothing to get those far-out ingredients and equipment. Wow. Can you imagine driving around town for those special organic things and then spending half your life in the kitchen chopping, juicing, sprouting, blending and preparing them? I’ve got too much to do to spend my day on that!

WELL, SUNRIDER IS AN EASY SHORTCUT. We get tremendous alkaline benefits without all that time-consuming work! We can spend our time out having fun, with energy to spare. Go play! Live life! Getting your pH on the alkaline side will put a spring in your step. We save time and work and get a great alkaline source—like a big paycheck ready for your body to spend on daily living and regenerating healthy new cells. It feels great, enjoy!